Hey everyone. We hope you’ve enjoyed watching our Bookworm release.
We all saw the S2 announcement recently and while we can’t confirm anything, we’d like to say that we’re very interested in working on it if we have the staff available to.
On the topic of still-delayed series: We may look into the option of dropping certain series with very-long-term delays that are impractical to try to salvage. We’ll share more information on this at a later date. For now, everything is still on the table.
That aside, we’re here to talk about our Winter shows. We’ll be doing two projects this time around, the first of which is To Aru Kagaku no Railgun T. You can come to expect the same level of speed and quality present in previous GJM Toaru releases here too.
The second and last project will be Eizouken ni wa Te wo Dasu na!. Many of our staff expressed interest in what is the first Yuasa-directed series in over five years. We all have high hopes for it and we hope you’ll enjoy it too.
As is tradition, we’d like to welcome a couple of new staff members to GJM. They are SKAttack, valerauko, Melancholy, Olynn, and Aria. We hope they enjoy their time with us, and we hope you will all enjoy the fruits of their labors.
And finally, another tradition in our recent seasonal posts: our recruitment needs can be found below.
We’re currently searching for additional Typesetters, a QC, and another Translator/TLC to help cover our upcoming and backlog projects. You can use the form in the menu bar above or contact us via IRC or Discord to apply to work with us.
We hope you’ll look forward to these releases, and as always: Thank you for choosing GJM!
I’m really looking forward to Railgun T! Are you planning to do the Accelerator specials in the near future? Thank you.
In due time, yes. For now, we’re focusing on other projects, but those specials are something we’d like to get done.
Looks like Railgun’s OP is already available:
Yup, saw this yesterday. We even retweeted it on our Twitter account. ;)
Nice, I didn’t know he was still active.
Is the BD batch of The Promised Neverland still on its way?
Eventually, yeah. Other things are taking priority over our BD catalog right now.
This includes BD for Iroduku? Really really wished to see the finalised version in all its corrected glory.
There’s some encoding wizardry needed for more recent P.A. Works BDs. They’ll come in due time, but they’re a pain in the ass.
I see. Due to DRM?
No, due to how bad P.A. Works-mastered works deal with their chroma.
Валера, настало твоё время!
Please revive Naine next.
Is there necromancy powerful enough to do that?
pls finish up Virtual-san wa Miteiru onegai
afaik you guys are the only active seasonal subgroup atm. thanks for keeping up the tradition!
damn even pas have given up despite their tagline…
dang, there goes http://WWW.Working. Still, looking to your new releases.
Guess I shoulda typed WWW dot Working. Unintentional hyperlink.
fripSide has posted “final phase” on their official channel:
you guys still kicking for another year too, awosome !!
So my lazy ass hasn’t gotten around to watching Index S2, let alone S3 or Accelerator. I have, however, seen both seasons of Railgun. Do you think I will miss out on anything if I jump straight into this new season, or should I hold off and catch up on the other stuff?
You’re fine. This season happens during Index S2 (first part).
You don’y need S3 or Accelerator to watch this.