Totsukuni no Shoujo (The Girl from the Other Side) (BD)

Remember how I said before Spring started that we’re working on two surprise projects that aren’t seasonals? Well, this… isn’t one of them. The first one was Summer Ghost, and Surprise Project #2 isn’t ready yet (although it’s already at QC). But in the meantime enjoy Surprise Project #3 (which is a joint with our friends at Kaleido)!

When I was given this for QC, I wanted to complain about a 1-hour OVA being 8 GB+, but after watching it, I realized the reasons. It’s such a visual treat. Definitely worth the size, and definitely worth watching.

Totsukuni no Shoujo (The Girl from the Other Side) (BD 1080p): [Torrent][Magnet]

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