Love Me, Love Me Not (Omoi, Omoware, Furi, Furare) (BD)

You know how sometimes a movie comes out, and you get really excited to work on it, you translate the whole thing in just a few days, and then it gets stuck in editing hell, in timing hell, in typesetting hell, and when everything’s finally done and you really wanna release it, you realize there’s still SONGS that need translating, timing and styling? Well… That’s what happened to this movie. It’s been two years now that it’s been translated, and we’re very happy to finally see it out.
Yes, this is one of the surprises we had for you, and it was supposed to be out BEFORE Kaguya S3 started airing. Ha…
In any case, enjoy!
Ah, and also: this movie never got any official subs, so any other release out there is MTL-tier. If you’ve already watched this movie, you should definitely watch it again.

Love Me, Love Me Not (Omoi, Omoware, Furi, Furare) (BD 1080p): [Torrent][Magnet]

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It is highly recommended that you use mpv.
Please note that there may be minor rendering differences between MPC/xysubfilter and mpv.