Rewrite (TV) – Episode 01

AX is the cancer killing fansubbing. :^(

Will be faster next week, both because episodes will be regular length, and because our TSer will be here instead of myself and joletb filling in.

Joint with Asenshi.

Rewrite (TV) – Episode 01: [Torrent][Magnet]

If you encounter any playback issues with a GJM release, please make sure you are using a recently-updated version of CCCP or KCP.


Haruchika ~Haruta to Chika wa Seishun Suru~ – TV Batch

Naine for No.1 batch-making guy in GJM. Well, he’s the only one, but he’s still No.1. Love you!

This batch fixes all of the errors reported to us, and otherwise discovered, in the TV episodes.

Thanks for choosing GJM-Vivid!

Haruchika ~Haruta to Chika wa Seishun Suru~ – TV Batch: [Torrent]
Patches: [DDL]

If you encounter any playback issues with a GJM release, please make sure you are using a recently-updated version of CCCP or KCP.